Can Shoes Determine Your Personality?

Camden Adamic, Social Media Assistant

For some, the most important part of an ensemble is shoes, and for some shoes are just for walking. But are they overlooked in importance when it comes to defining character traits? Let’s investigate the “science” behind this question, and compare this research to personal findings from our very own student body.


Let’s begin by examining the obvious factors that play into the decision of what shoes you wear each day. Factors such as practicality depend on weather, occupation, age, gender, etc. If you often sport dress shoes you are most likely to be in a professional environment most of the time. The same can be said if you don running shoes, you very well are someone who is physically active. These are all simple conclusions based on common sense. What we want to know is if the footwear can tell us the more personal aspects of a person.


Students of Chardon High School were asked to describe their personality in 3 words, and to also describe their favorite pair of shoes.  Responses vary, but in an interview Senior Lauren Flick described her go-to pair of shoes. “They are comfortable and simple. Which is a response most commonly said among the students.


Common themes are identifiable; Students who described themselves as responsible recounted their favorite pair of shoes as clean. Others who responded saying they are carefree explained that their shoes are beaten, and worn. Self-proclaimed introverted students shockingly described their ideal pair of shoes as bold, chunky boots. The results were predictable, but surprising; It was easy to associate the characteristics of shoes to actual human characteristics. 


The conclusion is that the “science” behind this claim is false, the real answer has nothing to do with science. After analyzing the responses and creating connections it became apparent that this is about preferences, and especially the influence of trends. Shoes that are popular with the majority are shoes that we see most often, they are usually simple and easy. Shoes can accurately tell you about someone’s interests, but it is bold to say that they can precisely tell someone’s personality traits.